Thank you Angus
On behalf of all Forth Valley Disability Sport athletes, coaches, partners and volunteers, we’d like to say a very special thank you to our former Chairperson Angus Whyte.
Due to ongoing illness, Chair (Angus Whyte) has sadly had to step down from this voluntary role. We are extremely sad to see him go under these circumstances and would like to honour him by awarding him ‘Honorary Committee Member’ of FVDS.
Angus Whyte (83) from Dunblane has transformed Forth Valley Disability Sport over the last ten years. He has been involved in all aspects of the organisation from improving the charities governance, strategies, completing funding bids and expanding the FVDS work force.
Angus has been a driving force behind new projects within FVDS including involvement with the Youth Work in Sport initiative in partnership with Robertson Trust and the Rank Foundation. The Get out Get Active project in partnership with Spirit of 2012, Activity Alliance and Scottish Disability Sport. Both projects have been hugely beneficial to FVDS to engage with a wider range of participants and has allowed many new partnerships to grow.
More recently in 2020 under Angus’s leadership FVDS has navigate its way through the Co-vid 19 outbreak. Angus focused FVDS work to help promote the importance of home based activities while staying safe and following government and NGB guidance.
These are just some of the many positive influences Angus has had on Forth Valley Disability Sport over the last decade. Once again a very special thanks for your hard work, dedication, passion, and commitment to Forth Valley Disability Sport. We hope to honour Angus by recruiting the best replacement for this role to continue the legacy and great work he has helped FVDS achieve over the last decade.
If you or anyone you know would like to help volunteer within FVDS then telephone Forth Valley Disability Sport on 01786 466486 or email